Building Evaluations

AD in commercial basementDuring the past two decades, Andrew Dey Consulting has evaluated hundreds of commercial and residential buildings. Typically these evaluations are focused on a particular area such as increasing energy efficiency, addressing moisture issues, or analyzing structural failures. However, they may also be general evaluations for planning purposes.

In conducting building evaluations, Andrew Dey brings to bear his many years of experience in construction, his multiple certifications from the Building Performance Institute, and his advanced training in building science.  When the focus of the evaluation is structural issues, he typically teams up with Annette Dey Engineering, a structural engineering firm.

Evaluation reports document existing conditions, analyze the causes of observed issues, recommend steps for remediation, and provide general cost information.  They may also provide longer-term guidance for phased maintenance, retrofitting and capital improvements.  Andrew Dey Consulting often provides follow-up services to ensure that the recommended steps are properly implemented.

Andrew Dey has found that evaluating how buildings fail is a great way to understand how to make them last.